Ah… spring! Although you may be reading this in March, while technically spring in Grey/Bruce, it often doesn’t feel like it, but rest assured those longer, brighter days are ahead of us.

It is often said that spring is a time of renewal, coming out of months of cold, dark days but I always liken spring to a ‘New, new year’ – when plans are being made for the year ahead. There’s outside projects to take prepare for, which seem to multiply under the snow, summer vacations to plan, new activities to sign up for (don’t forget that early registration!) and an overall sense of feeling hopeful, ambitious and somewhat alive again that coincides with the reappearance of the sun, grass and birds.

I’m thrilled to share that this is our 10th year of publishing Grey-Bruce Boomers, with our anniversary at the end of this year, and I couldn’t be prouder that we have made it this far. I’m always grateful for our advertisers, writers and readers who keep showing up each issue to allow us to provide the only publication for adults 50+ in Grey/Bruce.

In this issue, we have something of interest for everyone! Doug Archer writes an interesting Bucket List feature about a local playwright who based her first play on the history uncovered at her Southampton cottage, while Jill Ellis-Worthington takes us on a trip to Alaska. Ontario Home Health has an informative article about sleep apnea and the Rural Response team writes about the rising occurrence of grandparents raising grandchildren. Finally, Christine Wiedman shares her expertise about creating cash flow in retirement.

Thank you for reading and happy spring!

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