Amy Irwin, Publisher
The Publishers of Grey-Bruce Kids magazine – the area’s leading resource for parents and caregivers – and Huron-Perth Boomers, launched Grey-Bruce Boomers in 2014. The full-colour, glossy, premiere magazine directly targets the Baby Boomer generation (adults 50+).
Almost half of Grey/Bruce’s population is over 55 and is the fastest growing demographic in the area, expected to increase substantially over the years. Today’s Boomer has a high standard of living and wants to get the most out of their retirement years. They are successful, active and engaged in their community and expect high-quality experiences, products and services, and have the disposable income to make their dreams come true.
Grey-Bruce Boomers, which made its debut on Dec. 1, 2014, fulfills this niche in the marketplace by catering solely to mature adult readers by providing timely, interesting, locally-sourced articles on a variety of topics of interest to the affluent Baby Boomer generation, as well as relevant resources and local events.
There are 5,000 copies of Grey-Bruce Boomers distributed – free for pick-up – each quarter in dozens of locations across Grey and Bruce, ensuring advertisers 90 days of exposure to an exclusive audience in the prime of their lives.
Grey-Bruce Boomers is your solution for marketing to the fast growing, affluent generation of Boomers in Grey/Bruce.
For advertising information and our media kit, contact Grey-Bruce Boomers Publisher Amy Irwin at or call 519-524-0101.
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